martes, 18 de mayo de 2010

The course Organizations and Cultures

This course it was very interesting and dynamic, I like the way that the proffesor teach us and i learned about the different coultures around the world and the way that they see the world, do business and live.

I like it very much, it was very interesting and usuful for my career as a International Negotiator.


Google Images (2010)

Organizations in Latin-America

An example of an organization in Latin-America:

The company BIMBO is Mexico's biggest baker and food company.
Grupo Industrial Bimbo, is a Mexican multinational conglomerate that derives about two-thirds to four-fifths of its revenue from bakery products, of which it had 94 by 1992.

It controls 85 to 95 percent of the commercial bread market in Mexico.

Bimbo also produces a variety of other baked goods and has broadened its base to include salted snacks, tortillas, and deli and frozen foods. The company's scope of operations has expanded to take in the United States and Latin American countries as distant as Chile,Argentina and Colombia.

Bimbo, which means "child" in Italian, is the name for the company's cartoon-character mascot, a little white bear, and is almost synonymous with bread in Mexico. The company's products are oriented toward families with children.

It was founded in 1965 and with 44.087 employees.

Products: Bakery products


Finding Universe-Bimbo[Online] Available at:


Bimbo-[Online] Available at:

jueves, 13 de mayo de 2010

Blogs of My Classmates

After visiting 5 blogs of my classmates and make somme comments, there was one that caught my attention: Margarita`s blog since it was very well organized, presented strong and good arguments and at the sime time very creative.

Here is the link for you to ckeck it out:


Arizona Law

This law it is considered as a discriminatory policy because the rights of the citizen could be violated and it is an invitation for harassment and discrimination against Hispanics regardless of their citizenship status.

The law claim to strengthen the security of the Arizona state,to reinforce the illegal immigration policy crisis and it provides an indispensable tool for the police in a border state that is a leading magnet of illegal immigration.
As it was explained in the New York Times.

Flagstaff City Councilman Rick Swanson saids: "We are going to be the laughingstock of the nation and it is not funny -- it is horrible and racist," according to the Arizon Daily Sun.

It is clear that not everyone in Arizona are agree with this law, due to the fact that the law would crate a spiral of pervasive fear, the community distrust and it would increased crime and costly litigation, with nationwide repercussions.


The New York Times. [Online] Available at:

ABC News. [Online] Available at:


domingo, 2 de mayo de 2010

Movie Questions "The stolen generation"

1.From your own point of view it useful to say sorry after years of wrong policies towards a minority? Why, What else is needed?

From my point of view, I think that after many years is no longer usufull to say sorry, but in the other hand, it shows the regrets of the "new australia´s" possition towards the aboriginal people and the indigenous communities.

Sorry. Sorry. And sorry again.

I really don´t hink that this words could heal people form the stolen generation but for them it means a lot:

“Sorry heals the heart and it goes deep,” said Rhonda Dixon-Grovenor, an Aborigine watching the ceremony on a large screen in the largely indigenous Sydney suburb of Redfern.

“This really means a big thing to us - a weight that can be lifted so that we can start our healing.”

But,in the Aboriginal community, not everyone is so pleased with Kevin Rudd's apology.

Nick Bryant spoke to some who believe it is too little, too late.

Here is a link for listening to Nick Bryant's repor

Sources of Research:

BBC News- The stolen Generation (2008).[Online] Available at:

BBC News- Australia says sorry. (2008).[Online] Available at:

Images taken from:

jueves, 29 de abril de 2010

Trade Unions in Europe

Doing some reserch, I found out that most of the strong, centralized unions are in the Nordic countries, such as Germany, Belgium, Sweeden, Finland, among others. where every type of industry has a specific union, which are then gathered in large national union confederations.

The largest union confederation in Europe is the German Confederation of Trade Unions and France has one of the lowest union densities in Europe.

What happen in Europe is that Unions concentrate in some specific areas, especially in the public sector.

The situation in Colombia with the trade unions is the following: activists are murdered for the simple fact of their trade union membership and activities and some campaigns are been made to defend labour rights in Colombia.

Sources of Research:

Trade Unions across Europe.[Online] Available at:

Best of Blogs BOBS 2010

The Blog that i like the most, among the winners is definetly Ecoplaneta, with the special category climate change.

Among the hispanic blog, Ecoplaneta was the most shocking, well structured and most interesting blog, in my opinion.

This blog raises consicence on people and have a lot of information kool pictures, interesting information and very good arguments.

Specially the part on the blog that talks about animals it was very interesting and promote the good treat to them. "Stop la matanza de delfines"!!!! an interesting and open-eye article about dolphings that are been killed.

Link to the article:

Here is the link to the blog for you to check it out!

Images Retrieved from:[Graphics].